Pune Rails Hackathon: July 29-30, 2006!
Pune Rails Hackathon is a no-frills geek meet where passionate Ruby/Rails programmers can get together and build some cool web services and applications on Ruby/Rails, creating the early prototypes. The idea is really to foster a gathering of like minded Ruby & Rails ethusiasts (whether you are an expert or just a starter, it should not matter) to come together and build something cool. Since this is the first hackathon of this sort in Pune (everyone from all over India is very much welcome), we will have mentors who will suggest a range of small footprint web applications or web services that can be built within the 2 day period. Suggestions & ideas for web services and applications will be added to this wiki over the next few days so you can choose what you might be interested in. Ofcourse, you can build whatever you like. The venue (Better Labs office) will be open all day and night so you can plan your work accordingly. Please email any thoughts and ideas to vaibhav at betterlabs.net
Password to edit wiki is ihack. Please be responsible while editing and ensure the formating to keep it readable. Vaibhav, Satish & Dibya are primarily updating the agenda and so on.
- Pratik Naik, pratik at betterlabs.net
- Satish Talim, satish.talim at gmail.com
- Dibya Prakash, prakashdibya at yahoo.com
- Vaibhav Domkundwar, vaibhav at betterlabs.net
- Satish Mishra, satish at betterlabs.net
- July 29-30, 2006
- All day and night
- Presentations will start Sunday afternoon
Better Labs
14 Trade Field,
Opposite Sony World Showroon
Sanghavi Nagar, Aundh
Pune 411007
Geeks who'll be there
Please add your name and company name here. Email and/or phone is optional. Spread the word to your geeky friends and colleagues who may be interested.
Hackers looking to build something cool
- Shantanu Oak, shantanuo at yahoo.com
Sponsors, Prizes & Rules
PuneRuby & SAPforBusiness sponsors a Rs.15,000 takeaway.
Satish Talim & Ashish Kulkarni
PuneRuby and SFBL are offering a prize for each of the entries below. The person / team finishing these and judged to be the best will receive a prize of Rs.5000.
1. An application that displays Login, does simple authentication and
displays an authorisation based Menu. In addition to the menu, the
application should display a data entry form that would allow one-many kind
of invoice data entry and a report that would display and would allow
editing and deletion of these entries. The application should allow people
to register and also change their passwords.
2. A web service that would provide the following:
a. Currency Rates of at least 10 currencies (from a database table) compared
to GBP
b. Currency Rate of a particular currency compared to GBP
c. Conversion amount between currency X and currency Y for a particular
amount in currency X
For more details, visit www.xe.com and see how they do things.There should also be a backend allowing editing the currency rates and a front-end making use of the web-service to display currency rates.
The rule is that the entire development should be done using Ruby and Rails
framework only and all the source code should be in working order. It will
be displayed on the PuneRuby website.
"PuneRuby and SFBL are also offering an additional prize of Rs.5000" to the best entry other than the two above. Again, the source code of that should be in working order and will be displayed on PuneRuby website.
All entries should be created from scratch. Members of SFBL, BetterLabs and the
organisers do not qualify. Entrants should be members of PuneRuby.
For teams, this prize money will have to be shared by all the team members. Judges' decision will be final. If there is any fowl play, prize will go to the next contestant. Prizes are for finished entries only. Presentation and Coding standards are of utmost importance.
So a total of Rs.15,000 to be won!!! Sorry, no second prizes.
Better Labs: Win Rs.10,001 for the coolest Rails app
Vaibhav Domkundwar
Stay tuned for rules & suggestions.
Suggested Prototype Applications
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