A no-frills geek meet, an effort from Better Labs, a tiny geeky company in Pune.
Pune Rails Hackathon: July 29-30, 2006!
Hackathon.in is a no-frills geek meet. Pune Rails Hackathon is the a Rails development weekend where passionate Ruby/Rails programmers can get together and build some cool web services and applications on Ruby/Rails, creating the early prototypes. The idea is really to foster a gathering of like minded Ruby & Rails ethusiasts (whether you are an expert or just a starter, it should not matter) to come together and build something cool. Since this is the first hackathon of this sort in Pune (everyone from all over India is very much welcome), we will have mentors who will suggest a range of small footprint web applications or web services that can be built within the 2 day period. Suggestions & ideas for web services and applications will be added to this wiki over the next few days so you can choose what you might be interested in. Ofcourse, you can build whatever you like. The venue (Better Labs office) will be open all day and night so you can plan your work accordingly. Please email any thoughts and ideas to vaibhav at betterlabs.net. Please see suggested applications below and add more. This event is FREE.
- This is a simple event for programmers to come together and create alpha version of simple applications in Rails
- Amatuers as well as experts in Ruby/Rails are welcome
- This is not a competition but a collective effort to build interesting things with small 1-3 person teams
- Mentors will help you along the way
- There will be design help to help you with your HTML screens a bit
- You will learn from others and from post event discussions of the applications
Password to edit wiki is ihack. Please be responsible while editing and ensure the formating to keep it readable. Vaibhav, Satish & Dibya are primarily updating the agenda and so on.
- Vaibhav Domkundwar, vaibhav at betterlabs.net
- Satish Talim, satish.talim at gmail.com
- Dibya Prakash, prakashdibya at yahoo.com
- Pratik Naik, pratik at betterlabs.net
- Satish Mishra, satish at betterlabs.net
Venue & Date
Better Labs
14 Trade Field,
Opposite Sony World Showroon
Sanghavi Nagar, Aundh
Pune 411007
July 29-30, 2006
All day and night
Presentations will start Sunday afternoon
Suggested Prototype Applications
(These are just suggestions. You can create any application that you may want)
- iAlert: This is a simple Rails application where users can create an account and add alerts for themselves in a simple 1-screen format and an email alert is sent to them at the date and time. You can add a mobile alert as well, if time permit.
- iDo: This is a simple to-do application. There are hundreds of to-do applications but none that can be as simple as a Notepad (when used to track simple to -do tasks). This application can be as simple as notepad wherein a user can create an account, and start addding tasks on a single page and should be able to delete, edit and strike-through them. You can also add re-order functionality, if time permits.
- iDentity: This is like a simple online resume page where user should be able to create an account and create a resume page with photo, name, address, work experience, educational experience and bring in his feeds from flickr, blogs, news and so on.
- iRecipe: Create a open recipe sharing service. Users login and add a recipe and tag it. All recipes are shared amongst all users. Anyone can browse by tags or search to find a recipe. If you can add a rating to the recipes, that will be nice.
- iPoll: A basic poll creation app. Users can signup, login and create a poll and track results. Other users should be able to search polls and vote on the polls they are interested in.
Geeks who'll be there
Please add your name and company name here. Email and/or phone is optional. Spread the word to your geeky friends and colleagues who may be interested.
- Satish Mishra, Better Labs
- Pratik Naik, Better Labs
- Vaibhav Domkundwar, Better Labs
- Dibya Prakash, Reevik
- Satish Talim, PuneRuby
- Ashish Kulkarani, SAPforbusiness
- Shantanu Oak
- Harish Ingale, Reevik
- Anil Wadghule, Reevik
- Vikrant Chaudhari, Reevik
- Amol Aher, Reevik
- Vaidehi, Reevik
- Akshay Surve, Learning to speak Ruboi!. Akshay's Blog, Mumbai
Post your questions here.
Any entry fee or other charges to participate?
No, there is no entry fee or any other fee at all. You will just have to manage your own lunches and dinners :) Tea and coffee will be from Better Labs.
- What kind of arrangements have been made?
We are still working towards it but essentially we will be working towards keeping a set number of computers ready for the participants to use. Those who have laptops are requested to bring that along. We will provide some free Rails hosting as well for the applications for the Hackathon.
Sponsors, Prizes & Rules
Better Labs: Win Rs.10,001 for the coolest Rails app
Vaibhav Domkundwar
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